Theatre For Future!

Workshop Name: Theatre for Future!

Age Group: 9th Grade Upwards

Maximum Number of Workshop Participants: 20 Students

Location: we come to your school

Length of Workshop: 3 Hours (4 School Periods of 45 Minutes)

Price: €350 (Netto)

*schools further than 50km from Düsseldorf HBF will also be charged travel expenses at 0,30€ per km.

This workshop is also available to extend to a full day or multiple days session, suitable for a longer ProjektWoche activity. Please specify in the Inquiry Form below, if you would be interested in a longer version of this workshop.

*PLEASE NOTE - we do not have our own workshop space. We ideally come to your school or if this is not possible, a space can be hired in Düsseldorf, but at the expense of the school.

This is a unique Workshop in English, that will work with students on important and relevant planetary issues and give them a platform to speak their mind through theatre. Through a positive outlook towards ways we can all do our best to help climate change inside our own communities, we will encourage students to express themselves through movement and voice. We want to get the whole community involved and show that the school is trying to support the movement in a positive way. The students will take centre stage, presenting themselves as the real climate change activists and scientists, that can be seen in media in our daily lives today.

Dies ist ein einzigartiger Workshop in englischer Sprache, der mit den Studenten an wichtigen und relevanten planetarischen Themen arbeitet und ihnen eine Plattform bietet, um ihre Meinung durch Theater auszudrücken. Durch einen positiven Ausblick auf Möglichkeiten, wie wir alle unser Bestes tun können, um den Klimawandel in unseren eigenen Gemeinschaften zu unterstützen, werden wir die Schüler ermutigen, sich durch Bewegung und Stimme auszudrücken. Wir wollen die ganze Gemeinschaft miteinbeziehen und zeigen, dass die Schule versucht, die Bewegung auf positive Weise zu unterstützen. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler werden im Mittelpunkt stehen und sich als die wahren Klimaschützer und Wissenschaftler präsentieren, die in den Medien in unserem heutigen Alltag zu sehen sind.



For more a more detailed description of the workshop concept, please see here:

To book this Workshop, please complete the Inquiry Form below:

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page, for further information about the running and booking of our schools workshops.

Additionally, if you have further questions, please feel free to email or contact us on 015755001201