We bring experienced theatre educators to your school, helping your students to develop English language and performance skills through engaging, curriculum-based topics. Using theatre exercises, students will build confidence, collaborate in groups, and creatively explore important themes while expressing their thoughts and ideas through performing
"Both groups had a lot of fun and it was great to see the students be creative in an uncommon setting. Some students really blossomed and enjoyed acting. We all benefitted to get out of the classroom by taking a different approach."
- Erich Kästner-Gesamtschule
"They really have the feeling, they could take something from the workshop besides understanding Shakespeare better, namely, confidence in presenting themselves and improvement of their presentation skills (especially in terms of use of voice, gesture/facial expression etc.)"
- Erich Kästner-Gesamtschule
"There wasn't any part with which the students felt uncomfortable and I think that's partly because they know each other well/like each other but first and foremost due to the atmosphere you created"
- Erich Kästner-Gesamtschule
"Der Workshop war toll! Die Kinder waren begeistert, Sophie hat sie sehr motiviert und tolle Übungen mit ihnen gemacht. Insgesamt war der Tag sehr kurzweilig, Sophie hat ausschließlich Englisch mit den Schüler*innen gesprochen und hatte die Gruppe immer voll im Griff. Ein sehr gelungener Theaterworkshop, der den Kindern und auch uns Lehrer*innen viel Freude gemacht hat."
- Kaiserin-Augusta-Schule
"Wir alle sind sehr zufrieden mit der Durchführung der Workshops, die uns sowohl inhaltlich als auch methodisch sehr gefallen haben. Die Schüler*innen waren stolz auf ihre szenischen Darstellungen und auch darauf, wie gut es ihnen gelungen ist mit Muttersprachlerinnen in den zwei Tagen zu kommunizieren. "
- Gymnasium Harsewinkel
"It was really interesting and almost exactly like I expected it to be! The longer it went on the more comfortable I got with acting."
"It was marvellous to do some acting again and the experience was splendid :)"
"I totally agree with them. It was an amazing experience and real fun. I would definitely be interested in a drama group at school :)"
"I agree too, it was an amazing experience and nice to see how different the perspectives can be just by changing the emphasis a bit!"
- Students from Gymnasium Neustadt Wied